This panel focuses on challenges, lessons learned, and best practices associated with startup, commissioning, and operation of HLW processing facilities. Over the next decade, several first-of-a-kind processing facilities will start-up. Most experience from operational startup of similar facilities is now decades old. In addition, some of the new facilities are slated to operate for several decades, demanding both flexibility in terms of adjustment to changing processing needs, as well as generations of process and plant engineers and operators, with corresponding education and training programs that will assure a qualified and experienced workforce. Papers and panelists represent domestic and international processing plant operations expertise, including both recent and past startup experience.
Panelists include: Richard 'Chip' Lagdon, Chief of Nuclear Safety, US DOE; Frederick Bailly, Vice-President, Integration and Strategic Development, AREVA (France); William (Bill) Hamel, Assistant Manager for the WTP Project, US DOE; Pamela (Pam) Marks, Federal Project Director for the Salt Waste Processing Facility, US DOE; and Joel Case, IWTU Operations Activity Manager, US DOE.