Paper Title
1 |
Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation Planning Project Strategic Crosscutting Activities - 15180
William Nutt, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); John Wagner, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Matt Feldman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Joe Carter, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Robert Howard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA);
Josh Jarrell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) |
2 |
Twenty Years of Dry Interim Storage of SNF in Germany History and Developments - 15575
Christoph Gastl, Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Germany); Julia Palmes, Federal Office of Radiation Protection (Germany) |
3 |
AREVA TN Universal Centralized Storage System - 15581
Zhaojuan He, AREVA TN (USA); William Bracey, AREVA TN (USA) |
4 |
The Decommissioning Imperative – Motivating Progress in US Used Fuel Management - 15185
Rod McCullum, Nuclear Energy Institute (USA); Terry Pickens, Xcel Energy (USA) |
5 |
In-Situ Visual Inspection of the CASTOR V/21 Used Nuclear Fuel Storage Cask: A Demonstration of Camera System Capabilities - 15505
David D. Tolman, CH2M-WG Idaho LLC (USA);
Richard Williams, CH2M-WG Idaho LLC (USA); Jack Tolman, CH2M-WG Idaho, LLC (USA); Al Carlson, CH2M-WG Idaho, LLC (USA) |
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Solutions for Management of Defective Fuel Assemblies - 15318
Vanessa Vo Van, AREVA (France); Isabelle Morlaes, AREVA (France) |
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A Study of Transfer of UNF from Non-Disposable Canisters - 15388
Sven Bader, AREVA Federal Services (USA); Adam Howell, AREVA Federal Services (USA); Ernesto Faillace, AREVA Federal Services, LLC (USA) |