Paper Title
1 |
Use of Generic and Site-Specific Underground Research Laboratories to Support Siting, Design, and Safety Assessment - 15417
Robert MacKinnon, Sandia National Laboratories (USA);
Stefan Mayer, IAEA (Austria); Abraham Van Luik, US DOE (USA); David Sevougian, Sandia National Laboratories (USA) |
2 |
Underground Test Coordination at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - 15229
Douglas Weaver, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Brian Dozier, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Roger Nelson, US DOE (USA) |
3 |
The Bukov Underground Research Facility as Part of the Czech Republic’s DGR Development Programme - 15644
Jiri Slovak, Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (Czech Republic) |
4 |
An Underground Laboratory in the Context of Salt Disposal Research - 15549
Frank Hansen, Sandia National Laboratories (USA) |
5 |
Strategic Considerations for Developing Future Underground Research Facilities - 15114
Andrew Orrell, IAEA (Austria); Gerard Bruno, IAEA (Austria) |