Paper Title
1 |
Maintaining Department of Energy (DOE) Waste Disposition Pathways in Today’s Uncertain Budgetary Environment - 15129
Lori West, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Ty Blackford, CH2M HILL PRC (USA);
Connie Simiele, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Don Moak, CH2M HILL PRC (USA) |
2 |
Integration of Performance Assessments and 3116 Basis Documents within the Savannah River Site Liquid Waste Facilities - 15375
Steven Thomas, Savannah River Remediation (USA) |
3 |
Not All Greater-Than-Class C (GTCC) Waste Streams are Created Equal - 15373
Terrence Brimfield, US NRC (USA); Melanie Wong, US NRC (USA); James Shaffner, US NRC (USA); Gregory Suber, US NRC (USA); Hans Arlt, US NRC (USA); James Kennedy, US NRC (USA); Christopher Grossman, US NRC (USA) |
4 |
Waste Management Attendant Mercury Issues involving Mercury-Contaminated Debris at the Y-12 Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee - 15573
John Wrapp, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA); Michael Kane, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA); John Witzeman, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA); Debbie Browning, Strata-G (USA) |
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Radium/Barium Waste Project - 15043
Kip McDowell, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Mark Ellefson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Kent McDonald, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
6 |
Texas Authorizes Disposal of Large Quantities of Depleted Uranium at WCS - 15626
Scott Kirk, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA); William Dornsife, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA); Christopher Shaw, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA) |
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Licensing of the National Repository for LILW Waste in Bulgaria - 15609
Enrique Biurrun, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Ira Stefanova, SERAW (Bulgaria); Emiliano Gonzalez Herranz, Westinghouse Electric Spain SAR (Spain) |
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Sampling and Analysis of Cyber Media to Determine Whether it Meets the Definition of a Hazardous Waste - 15208
Dwight Stockham, Sandia National Laboratories (USA) |