Waste Management Symposia 2015


Session 059 - Engineering Solutions in Geologic Disposal



Session Co-Chair(s):   Jean-Michel Bosgiraud (France)
Roger Nelson (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Roger Nelson (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Gérald Ouzounian (France)
Paper Reviewer:   Gérald Ouzounian (France)




Paper Title


Investigations of Dual-Purpose Canister Direct Disposal Feasibility - 15106
Ernest Hardin, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Kaushik Banerjee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Joe Carter, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Robert Clark, US DOE (USA); Robert Howard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Elena Kalinina, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); John Scaglione, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Justin Clarity, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)


Development of a Backfill Material for LILW and HLW Disposal Galleries in the Current Belgian Geological Disposal Concept - 15374
Hans-Joachim Engelhardt, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Bernt Haverkamp, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Lieselotte Ernestine von Borstel, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Philippe Van Marcke, ONDRAF/NIRAS (Belgium); Erik Coppens, ONDRAF/NIRAS (Belgium)


Siting Considerations for a Deep Borehole Disposal Facility - 15403
Geoff Freeze, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Bill Arnold, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Patrick Brady, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); David Sassani, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Kristopher Kuhlman, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Robert MacKinnon, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Ernest Hardin (Presenter only), Sandia National Laboratories (USA)


Outcomes of the Full Scale Seal Experiment - A Seal Industrial Prototype for the Cigéo Project - 15207
Jean-Michel Bosgiraud, Andra (France); Alain Harman, Andra (France); Frederic Plas, Andra (France); Sarah Dewonck, Andra (France); Régis Foin, Andra (France); Gilles Armand, Andra (France); Gérald Ouzounian, Andra (France)


System-Level Logistics Modeling of DPC Direct Disposal - 15511
Elena Kalinina, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Ernest Hardin, Sandia National Laboratories (USA)


A Review of Multipurpose Canister Concepts for Standardization in the Waste Management System - 15563
Riley Cumberland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Josh Jarrell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Jeff Williams, US DOE (USA); Robert Howard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)


Engineering Management Challenges of the CIGÉO Project - 15576
Roberto Muscetti, INGEROP (France); François Laupretre, INGEROP (France)


Impacts of an Additional Exhaust Shaft on WIPP Performance - 15170
Chris Camphouse, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Todd Zeitler (Presenter only), Sandia National Laboratories (USA)


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