This panel session discussed the progress of deep repository programs, worldwide. While efforts on a deep geological repository for SNF/UNF and HLW in the USA were terminated in 2010, several other repository programs continue to make considerable progress. Panelists from international repository programs and organizations reported upon the current status and future plans. This panel provided a forum, exchange, and take advantage of repository progress, challenges, concepts/designs and other lessons learned around the world.
Panelists include: Gerald Ouzounian, Director, Direction International, Andra (France); Monica Hammarstrom, Director of Technology Department, SKB (Sweden); Thilo von Berlepsch, Head of International Cooperation Department, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Irina Gaus, RD&D coordinator, Nagra (Switzerland); and Peter Lock, Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Director, Radioactive Waste Management Limited, (United Kingdom).