Paper Title
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Use of the Underwater Collimated Spectrometric System for Survey of Storage Ponds of Research VVR-2 and OR Reactors - 15118
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Vyacheslav Stepanov, National Research Centre - Kurchatov Institute (USA); Victor Potapov, National Research Centre - Kurchatov Institute (Russia);
Alexey Stepanov, National Research Centre - Kurchatov Institute (Russian Federation); Anatoly Volkovich, National Research Centre - Kurchatov Institute (Russian Federation); Sergey Smirnov, National Research Centre - Kurchatov Institute (Russian Federation) |
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Characterization of Spent Filters from the Water Polishing System of IEA-R1 Reactor - 15451
Ana Paula Gimenes Tessaro, Nuclear & Energy Research Institute (Brazil); Roberto Vicente, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (Brazil) |
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Managing Work Flow and Logistics at Waste Processing Facilities Using the Waste Compliance & Tracking System - 15392
Justin Tozer, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Keith Russell, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); J. Christopher Echohawk, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) |
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Waste Information Management System with 2014-15 Waste Streams - 15178
Himanshu Upadhyay, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); Walter Quintero, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); Leonel Lagos, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); Peggy Shoffner, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); David Roelant, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA) |