Paper Title
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The Status of LILW Disposal Facility Construction in Korea - 15158
Minseok Kim, KORAD (South Korea); Jong-Won Lee, KORAD (South Korea) |
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Planning Large-Scale Excavation and Construction Activities within an Aerially Constrained Site for Construction of a Repository for Low and Short-Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste at the Bulgarian National Disposal Facility - 15372
Gerald Nieder-Westermann, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Enrique Biurrun, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Emiliano Gonzalez Herranz, Westinghouse Electric Spain SAR (Spain); Mariano Navarro, ENRESA (Spain) |
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Success in Commissioning a Key US Radioactive Waste Burial Site through the Technical Support of Dufrane Nuclear Shielding Incorporated - 15476
W.G. Brunkow, Dufrane Nuclear Shielding Inc (USA); Joshua Brooks, Dufrane Nuclear Shielding Inc. (USA); Lou DeRitis, Dufrane Nuclear Shielding Inc. (USA); Andrew Akin, Dufrane Nuclear Shielding Inc (USA) |
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Support of SRS Saltstone Regulatory Compliance - 15586
Alex Cozzi, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Christopher Bannochie, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Charles Crawford, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Donald Miller, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |