Paper Title
1 |
Considerations for Improving the Biosphere Assessment Methodology and the Associated Conceptual and Mathematical Models for Application to LLW/ILW Radioactive Wastes in Spain - 15194
Danyl Perez-Sanchez, CIEMAT (Spain); Mike Thorne, Mike Thorne and Associates Limited (United Kingdom) |
2 |
Unique Natural System Modeling Aspects of the H-Tank Farm at the Savannah River Site - 15271
Kent Rosenberger, Savannah River Remediation (USA); Sherri Ross, US DOE (USA) |
3 |
Safety Assessment for the Radon-Type Surface Disposal Facility at Saakadze, Georgia - 15406
Bernt Haverkamp, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Heinz Kroeger, TÜV NORD EnSys Hannover (Germany) |
4 |
Preliminary Performance Assessment of Waste Management Area C at the Hanford Site in Southeast Washington - 15331
Marcel Bergeron, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Susan Eberlein, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Kristin Singleton, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Chris Kemp, US DOE (USA); R. Douglas Hildebrand, US DOE (USA); Alaa Aly, INTERA (USA); Sunil Mehta, INTERA (USA); Matthew Kozak, INTERA (USA); William McMahon, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Michael Connelly, TecGeo, Inc (USA) |
5 |
Characterization of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Fractured Media Using the Multistep Outflow Method - 15461
Greg Flach, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Kenneth Dixon, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Ralph Nichols, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |
6 |
Real-Time Electrochemical Measurements of Carbon Steel in Ground Water with Sulfate Reducing Bacteria Enrichment - 15604
Leena Carpén, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland); Pauliina Rajala, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland); Malin Bomberg, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. (Finland) |
7 |
Vadose Zone Monitoring at the Radioactive Waste Management Sites at the Nevada National Security Site - 15294
David Hudson, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); David Black, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Vefa Yucel, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Greg Shott, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Pat Arnold, National Security Technologies (USA);
Jhon Carilli, US DOE NV Field Office (USA) |
8 |
The Evolution of the Nevada National Security Site Waste Acceptance Criteria (NNSSWAC) - 15312
Jeanne Poling, National Security Technologies (USA); Pat Arnold, National Security Technologies (USA); Gregg Geisinger, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Robert Boehlecke, US DOE (USA);
Sydney Gordon, National Security Technologies (USA) |