Paper Title
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Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation - 15228
Romani Patel, Florida International University (USA);
Dwayne McDaniel, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); Seckin Gokaltun, Florida International University (USA) |
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Solubility Predictions for Sodium Nitrate from Water Activity for Hanford Tank Concentrates - 15551
Stephen Agnew, Columbia Energy & Environmental (USA); Gene Ramsey, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA) |
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Interactions of Cesium and Barium Ions with Calcium Silicate Hydrate under the Condition Saturated with Saline Water - 15247
Yuta Saito, Tohoku University (Japan); Taiji Chida, Tohoku University (Japan); Yuichi Niibori, Tohoku University (Japan); Hitoshi Mimura, Tohoku University (Japan) |
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Development of the Computer Code for Multi-Calculations of Source Term of Spent Fuel - 15351
Daesik Yook, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (South Korea); Jae hak Cheong, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (South Korea); Dong keuk Park, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (South Korea); Dongmyung Lee, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (South Korea) |
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On the Influence of the Power Plant Operational History on the Inventory and the Uncertainties of Radionuclides Relevant for the Final Disposal of PWR Spent Fuel - 15149
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Ivan Fast, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (Germany); Holger Tietze-Jaensch, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (Germany); Yuliya Aksyutina, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (Germany); Dirk Bosbach, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (Germany) |