Paper Title
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Hanford Double-Shell Tank AY-102 Radioactive Waste Leak Investigation Update - 15302
Dennis Washenfelder, AEM Consulting LLC (USA); Jeremy Johnson, US DOE (USA) |
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Hanford Double-Shell Tank Extent-of-Condition Construction Review - 15498
Theodore Venetz, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Travis Barnes, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Kayle Boomer, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Jason Gunter, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Dan Baide, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Jeremy Johnson, US DOE (USA) |
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Disposition of Hanford Tank Waste Sludge from Tank 241-AY-102 and the 241-A/241-AX Farm Tanks - 15298
Paul Certa, Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC (USA);
Mark Gerboth, AEM Consulting LLC (USA); Linda Eslin, Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC (USA); Riley Yarbrough, Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC (USA); Albin Pajunen, AEM Consulting, LLC (USA); P. Steve Schaus, AEM Consulting, LLC (USA) |
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241-AY-102 Leak Detection Pit Drain Line Visual Inspection - 15678
Theodore Venetz, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Kayle Boomer, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Jason Engeman, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Jason Gunter, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); John Garfield, AEM Consulting, LLC (USA); Brandon Vazquez, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Cameron Joslyn, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA) |