Paper Title
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SRS-150 XUF™ Grand Gulf Operations Update - 14454
Greg Broda, EnergySolutions (USA); Kenneth Johnson, EnergySolutions (USA) |
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New Facilities to Reduce Releases from Swedish BWRs - 14009 Niklas Bergh, Westinghouse Electric Sweden-AB (Sweden);
Gunnar Hedin, Westinghouse Electric Sweden-AB (Sweden); Jörgen Eriksson, Oskarshamns Kraftgrupp AB (Sweden); Ulf Borgvald, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB (Sweden) |
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Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue - 14091
György Pátzay, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary); Emil Csonka, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary); Csilla Tonkó, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary); János Otterbein, Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd (Hungary); Ferenc Feil, Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd (Hungary); Gábor Patek, MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd (Hungary) |
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Testing of New Antimony Selective Media SbTreat at Loviisa NPP, FINLAND - 14241
Risto Harjula, University of Helsinki (Finland); Risto Koivula, University of Helsinki (Finland); Esko Tusa, Fortum Power and Heat Oy (Finland); Pasi Kelokaski, Fortum Power and Heat Oy (Finland); Roger Kvarnström, Fortum Power and Heat Loviisa NPP (Finland); Ilkka Ropponen, Fortum Power and Heat, Loviisa NPP (Finland); Laura Togneri, Fortum Power and Heat Loviisa NPP (Finland) |