Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 049 - Panel: Tuesday US DOE Featured Site: Hanford – Office of River Protection - Part 2 of 2



Co Chair(s):   Ellen Mattlin (USA)
Dawn Wellman (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Dawn Wellman (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Ellen Mattlin (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Andrea Hopkins (USA)

This panel will focus on the Hanford Site, Office of River Protection (ORP) of the US DOE located in Richland, WA. It will showcase an overview and latest strategy for ORP as well as recent progress and challenges at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) and Tank Farms. After the presentations, the panel will discuss with the audience overcoming the challenges they encountered.

  • ORP Overview and Strategy – Kevin Smith
  • Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) Issue Resolution – William Hamel and Peggy McCullough
  • Tank Farm Challenges – Thomas Fletcher and Dave Olson

Panelists include: Kevin Smith, Manager, US DOE ORP; William Hamel, Assistant Manager WTP, US DOE ORP;Peggy McCullough, Project Director, Bechtel National; Thomas Fletcher, Assistant Manager Tank Farms Project, US DOE ORP; and Dave Olson, President and Project Manager, Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS).



Panel Report



Protecting the Columbia River: The Office of River Protection Mission
Kevin Smith, US DOE (USA)

Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Project
William Hamel, US DOE (USA)

Tank Farms Project
Thomas Fletcher, US DOE (USA)

Hanford Tank Operations Contract
Dave Olson, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA)


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