Session 054 - Visitor Centers and Other Public-Education Tools
Judith Connell, Fluor Government Group (USA) Helen Belencan, US DOE (USA)
Paper Title
1 |
PSEG’s Energy & Environmental Resource Center: The Next Generation of Energy Education Centers - 11083
Lisa Barile, PSEG Power, LLC (USA) |
2 |
The Weldon Spring Site Interpretive Center: Lessons Learned from the First Ten Years
- 11338 Jane Powell, US DOE (USA); Vijendra Kothari, US DOE (USA);
Yvonne Deyo, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Melissa Lutz, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA) |
3 |
Hanford’s Public Tour Program – An Excellent Educational Tool - 11439
Karen Sinclair, Mission Support Alliance (USA) |
4 |
Regional Stakeholder Education Through the Nuclear Workforce Initiative - 11101
Mindy Mets, Savannah River Site (USA) |
5 |
Nuclear Energy & Radioactive Waste: The Perception of the Youngsters; A Study Through the Educational Workshops Conducted by the "Visiatome" Information Center at the CEA Marcoule(France) - 11530
Cedric Garnier, CEA (France) |
6 |
Special Feature Presentation: Oak Ridge: History, Heart & Hope, Part 1 - 11326
Jenny Freeman, Strata-G (USA); John R. Eschenberg, US DOE (USA); Cathy Hickey, URS Corporation (USA) |
7 |
Special Feature Presentation: Oak Ridge - History, Heart & Hope, Part 2 - 11158
Ray Smith, Y-12 National Security Complex (USA) |
8 |
The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History; Statistics, Issues, Successes After Year Number Two of Operation as a Public Interaction Option - 11048
Jim Walther, National Museum of Nuclear Science & History (USA) |