Session 032 - Models and Data - Supporting Performance of Geological Disposal Systems
Ming Zhang, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST (Japan) Graham Fairhall, National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom)
Paper Title
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Multimodel Assessment of the Worth of Data under Uncertainty - 11416
Shlomo Neuman, University of Arizona (USA); Liang Xue, University of Arizona (USA); Dan Lu, Florida State University (USA); Ming Ye, Florida State University (USA) |
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Development of Models to Forecast Radionuclide Migration in the Geological Environment for Safety Cases of Radioactive Waste Repositories in the Russian Federation - 11269
Sergey Utkin, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Igor Linge, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Leonid Bolshov, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Ivan Kapyrin, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Aleksandr Rastorguev, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Yuri Vassilevski, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia) |
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Anomalous Transport in Fractured Geologic Media: Basic Physical Models - 11134
Petr Kondratenko, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Igor Linge, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Olga Dvoretskaya, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Leonid Bolshov, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Leonid Matveev, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia) |
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Non-Classical Transport in Fractal Media as Applied to Radioactive Waste Problem: Anisotropic Random Advection Model - 11147
Leonid Matveev, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Petr Kondratenko, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Leonid Bolshov, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia) |
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Anomalous Transport in Heterogeneous Media with Sharply Contrasting Properties: The Role of Diffusive Barriers - 11142
Petr Kondratenko, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Olga Dvoretskaya, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia); Leonid Bolshov, Nuclear Safety Institute, RAS (Russia) |
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Transparency in the Selection of Biosphere Transfer Parameters for Geological Disposal Systems - 11515 Kathryn Higley, Oregon State University (USA);
David Bytwerk, Oregon State University (USA); Elizabeth Houser, Oregon State University (USA) |
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Sorption of Tc(IV) to Cementitious Materials Associated with a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste - 11129
Nick Evans, Loughborough University (United Kingdom); Ricky Hallam, Loughborough University (United Kingdom); Sneh Jain, Loughborough University (United Kingdom) |
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Deposition Rates of the Polymeric Silicic Acid onto the Surface of Silicate Mineral in the Co-Presence of Ca Ions - 11378
Naoyuki Tamura, Tohoku University (Japan); Yuichi Niibori, Tohoku University (Japan); Hitoshi Mimura, Tohoku University (Japan) |