HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 53 - HLW and SNF - Process Technologies and Operations
Remi Bera, AREVA Federal Services (USA) Tom Brouns, PNNL (USA)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Update on Spent Fuel Management Activities with Focus on Reprocessing - 8042
Zvonko Lovasic, IAEA (Austria)
Advanced Non-Destructive Assay Systems and Special Instrumentation Requirements for Spent Nuclear Fuel Recycling Facilities - 8032
Alan Simpson, Pajarito Scientific Corporation (USA); Martin Clapham, Pajarito Scientific Corporation (USA); Bryan Swinson, Pajarito Scientific Corporation (USA)
Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology - 8478
T Flament, SGN (France); Chris Penrice, Sellafield Ltd. (United Kingdom); Brian McGowan, Sellafield Ltd. (United Kingdom); Brian Garth, Sellafield Ltd. (United Kingdom); John Reed, Sellafield Ltd. (United Kingdom); Stephane Sartelet, AREVA NC (France); Henri Noel Guerif, AREVA NC (France); Jean Francois Hollebecque, CEA Marcoule (France); Anthony Prod'homme, SGN (France)
COEX™ Process: Cross-Breeding between Innovation and Industrial Experience - 8220
Francois Drain, SGN (France); Jean Luc Emin, AREVA NC, Inc (France); Richard Vinoche, AREVA NC (France)
Fluidized Bed Steam Reforming (FBSR) Technology for High Organic and Nitrate Waste Streams for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) - 8314
Carol Jantzen, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Michael Williams, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA)
CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach - 8100
Jong-Hyeon Lee, KAERI (Republic of Korea); Gyu-Hwan Oh, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); Han-Soo Lee, KAERI (Korea); Sung-Bin Park, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); Yoon-Sang Lee, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); In-Tae Kim, KAERI (Republic of Korea); Eung-Ho Kim, KAERI (Republic of Korea); Seong-Won Park, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea)
Dewatering Treatment Scale-Up Testing Results of Hanford Tank Wastes - 8259
Allan Tedeschi, CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. (USA); Tom May, CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. (USA); Wes Bryan, Project Delivery Engineering (USA)