HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 17 - US Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP)
Steven Brown, SHB, Inc. (USA) Allen Roos, US ACE (USA)
The Role of Historical Operations Information for Supporting Remedial Investigation Work at the Former Harshaw Chemical Site - 8279
Andrea Kolhoff, US ACE - Buffalo District (USA); Robert Johnson, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Kurt Picel, ANL (USA); John Peterson, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Jeffrey DeVaughn, Science Applications International Corporation (USA)
Integrating Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Characterization Methods to Achieve a Conceptual Site Model for the Shallow Land Disposal Area FUSRAP Site - 8265
Lisa Durham, ANL (USA); John Peterson, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); David Frothingham, US ACE (USA); William Frederick, US Army Corps of Engineers (USA); William Lenart, US ACE - Pittsburgh District (USA)
Formerly Used Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) W. R. Grace Feasibility Study (FS) Alternative Development Process Challenges and Successes - 8255
Nicki Fatherly, US ACE (USA); Michael O'Neill, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology (USA); Amy Glemza, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology (USA)
USACE FUSRAP Maywood Team Develops a Mechanism to Evaluate Residual Radon Exposure Potential at Vicinity Properties Where Remediation of Accessible Contamination has been Completed - 8262
Michael Winters, The Shaw Group (USA); Scott Walnicki, Safety and Ecology Corporation (USA); David Hays, US ACE (USA)
USACE FUSRAP Maywood Team Identifies Challenges and Initiates Alternate Solutions Relating to the Radiochemical Analysis of Borosilicate Fiber Filters for Isotopes of Uranium and Thorium - 8238
Brian Tucker, The Shaw Group (USA); Michael Winters, The Shaw Group (USA); David Hays, US ACE (USA)
Managing Legacy Records for FUSRAP Sites - 8482
Christopher Clayton, US DOE (USA); Jeanie Gueretta, DOE Office of Legacy Management (USA); Jeffery Tack, Source One Management, Inc. (USA); Michael Widdop, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA)