Waste Management Symposia 2015



Session Panel: Lessons Learned from Yucca Mountain License Application Development Process - 125



Session Co-Chairs:   Paul Dickman (USA)
Eric Knox (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Eric Knox (USA)
Additional Organizer(s):   Paul Dickman (USA)
Robert Edmonds (USA)
Michael Voegele (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Eric Knox (USA)

This panel focuses on value added lessons learned on specific topical areas of the Yucca Mountain License Application development process, transferable knowledge gained throughout the history of the Yucca Mountain project and how what was learned over the past three decades can be applied to benefit the process of implementing a solution going forward.



Panel Report


Panelists with presentations:

Lessons Learned Yucca Mountain Licensing Proceeding
Bob Halstead, State of Nevada (USA)

Lessons Learned from the Yucca Mountain License Application Process
Daniel Bullen, DNFSB (USA)

USGS Lessons Learned and Retrospective from Participation in the Yucca Mountain Project
Kenneth Skipper, US Geological Survey (USA)

Review of the Proposed High-level Radioactive Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
James Rubenstone, US NRC (USA)


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