Paper Title
1 |
Applying Mobile Technology to Data Collection for Environmental Characterization and Remediation – Beyond the Science - 15453
Kim Arrant, CB&I Federal Services LLC (USA);
John Hackett, CB&I Federal Services LLC (USA) |
2 |
Automation of Environmental Compliance Data Acquisition and Management - 15267
Ciera Joye, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA); Karen Adams, US DOE (USA) |
3 |
A New Measurement Method of Tritiated Water with No Radioactive Waste - for Monitoring Post - 15050
Etsuko Furuta, Ochanomizu University (Japan); Noriko Iwasaki, Ochanomizu University (Japan); Yuka Kato, Hitachi Aloka Medical, Ltd. (Japan); Yusuke Tomozoe, Hitachi Aloka Medical, Ltd. (Japan) |
4 |
Methods for Radiological Assessment of C-14 in Air Effluents - 15419
James Westmoreland, GEL Laboratories, LLC (USA);
Robert Wills, GEL Laboratories LLC (USA) |
5 |
US EPA Superfund Radon Vapor Intrusion Preliminary Remediation Goal (RAD-VIPRG) Electronic Calculator - 15349
Stuart Walker, US EPA (USA) |
6 |
Model-Assisted Decision Analyses Related to a Chromium Plume at Los Alamos National Laboratory - 15449
Velimir Vesselinov, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Dan O'Malley, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Danny Katzman, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) |
7 |
Characterization of a Contaminated Facility and Associated Soils in Support of D & D and Subsequent Soil Remediation - 15292
William Griffin, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA); Candice Freeman, US DOE (USA);
Christopher Bergren, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA); Claudette Hopkins, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA) |
8 |
Design of an Effective Radiological Effluent and Environmental Surveillance Program - History of SRS Environmental Monitoring Program Design - 15308
Teresa Eddy, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA); Amy Meyer, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (USA); Tim Jannik, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Gail Whitney, US DOE (USA) |