Paper Title
1 |
Quantifying Public Perceptions on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle - 15395
John Swanson, Virginia Commonwealth University (USA); Sama Bilbao y León, Virginia Commonwealth University (USA); Ishoc Salaam, Virginia Commonwealth University (USA) |
2 |
Creative Destruction: Dismantling Our Past to Build a Better Future - 15072
Andrew Stewart, Consultant (Canada) |
3 |
Reporting Improvements to the Annual Savannah River Site Environmental Report - 15313
Michael Griffith, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA); Amy Meyer, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (USA); Gail Whitney, US DOE (USA); Drew Grainger , US DOE (USA) |
4 |
A Paradigm Shift: An Introduction to Structured Decision Making for Sustainable Waste Management and Remediation - 15649
Paul Black, Neptune & Company Inc (USA);
Kelly Black, Neptune & Company Inc (USA); Tom Stockton, Neptune and Company Inc (USA) |