Paper Title
1 |
The February 2014 Accidents at WIPP (What Happened and What We Know about Why) - 15024
Roger Nelson, US DOE (USA); Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA); Abraham Van Luik, US DOE (USA) |
2 |
Disposing of Waste Package with Respect to Physico-Chemical Characteristics - 15041
Marc Butez, Andra (France); Isabelle Munier, Andra (France); Valérie Deydier, Andra (France); Marie-Ange Romero, Andra (France); Stephan Schumacher, Andra (France);
Sylvie Voinis, Andra (France) |
3 |
Update on Cigéo, the French Geological Disposal Project - 15067
Gérald Ouzounian, Andra (France); Alain Harman, Andra (France); Thibaud Labalette, Andra (France) |
4 |
The Role of Independent Monitoring in Maintaining Community Support through a Radiological Incident - A WIPP Case Study - 15107
Punam Thakur, Carlsbad Env Monitoring & Research Ctr (USA); Russell Hardy, Carlsbad Environmental Monitroing and Research Center (USA); Roger Nelson, US DOE (USA); Abraham Van Luik, US DOE (USA) |
5 |
German Research & Development for High Level Waste in Light of the New Site Selection Process - 15516
Thilo Von Berlepsch, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Wilhelm Bollingerfehr, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany) |
6 |
Andra’s Strategy and Approach for Operational Safety of French Underground Facility Cigéo - 15127
Myriam Rabardy, Andra (France);
Sylvie Voinis, Andra (France); Fabrice Boissier, Andra (France) |
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Andra’s Strategy and Approach for Post-Closure Safety of Geological Disposal - 15128
Lise Griffault, Andra (France);
Sylvie Voinis, Andra (France) |
8 |
WIPP - February 2014 Operational Events and Compliance Recertification Application (CRA) 2014 - 15293
Ross Kirkes, Piru Associates, Inc. (USA);
Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA) |