Paper Title
1 |
Humboldt Bay Power Plant Decommissioning Transition to Civil Works - 15039
John Kristofzski, CH2M HILL, Inc. (USA);
Kerry Rod, Pacific Gas & Electric Co (USA); Matt King, Whitchurch Engineering, Inc. (USA) |
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Chooz-A-Steam Generators Characterization - 15205
Laurie Aitammar, EDF CIDEN (France) |
3 |
Latest Experience from José Cabrera Reactor Vessel Dismantling Project - 15214
Joseph Boucau, Westinghouse Electric Company (Belgium); Per Segerud, Westinghouse Electric Company (Sweden); Stefan Fallstrom, Westinghouse Electric Company (Sweden) |
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Market Analysis of a Looming Crisis – Decommissioning Trends and a Shrinking Crew - 15276
Jas Devgun, Sargent & Lundy (USA) |
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Guidance for Decommissioning Plants Entering Safe Storage - 15280
Richard Reid, EPRI (USA);
Richard McGrath (Presenter only), EPRI (USA) |
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Fukushima Inspection Manipulator - 15485
Matt Cole, Kurion, Inc. (USA); Takashi Mitsui, IHI Corporation (Japan); Toshinori Dekura, Toshiba Corporation (Japan); Yuji Morigaki, IHI Corporation (Japan);
Marc Rood, Kurion (USA) |