Waste Management Symposia 2015


Session 081 - Progress and Updates at the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant



Session Co-Chair(s):   Tom Brouns (USA)
Leslie Jardine (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Sharon Marra (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Christian Ladirat (France)
Stephen Riesenweber (USA)
Mark Shepard (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Stephen Riesenweber (USA)




Paper Title


Progress Update for the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Project - 15593
William Hamel, US DOE (USA); Delmar Noyes, US DOE (USA)


Implementing a Low Activity Waste Direct Feed Capability in the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Project - 15594
Jeffrey Bruggeman, US DOE (USA); William Hamel, US DOE (USA); Jason Young, US DOE (USA)


Authorization to Proceed with Production Engineering for the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant’s HLW Facility - 15595
Langdon Holton, US DOE (USA); William Hamel, US DOE (USA); Jim McCormick-Barger, US DOE (USA); Wahed Abdul, US DOE (USA)


US DOE Safety Design Strategy Review and Approval beyond Critical Decision-3 for the High-Level Waste Facility - 15525
Cheryl Arm, US DOE (USA); James Dahl, Bechtel (USA); Barry Burrow, US DOE (USA)


Plan for Resolution of Technical Issues at the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Project - 15596
William Hamel, US DOE (USA); Langdon Holton, US DOE (USA); Wahed Abdul, US DOE (USA); Paul Hirschman, US DOE (USA)


Managing the Interfaces for Successful Waste Treatment Operations at the River Protection Project - 15347
Garth Duncan, Bechtel (USA); William Condon, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Briant Charboneau, US DOE - ORP (USA)


Advances in the Glass Formulations for the Hanford Tank Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant - 15053
Albert Kruger, US DOE (USA); John Vienna, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Dongsang Kim, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)


Integrated Sampling and Data Flow for Hanford Vitrification - 15337
Aruna Arakali, RPP-WTP Project (URS) (USA); Peter Benson, AECOM (USA); Jeffrey Markillie, URS Corporation (USA); Allison Latham, URS Corporation (USA)


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