Paper Title
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Salt Waste Processing Facility Project Lessons Learned: Acquisition through Construction - 15518
Thomas Burns, Parsons (USA) |
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Evaluation of Waste Arising from Future Nuclear Fuel Cycles - 15197
Robert Jubin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Temitope Taiwo, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Roald Wigeland, Idaho National Laboratory (USA) |
3 |
Improving Actinides Recycling, a Key Step towards a More Sustainable Nuclear Energy - 15617
Christophe Poinssot, CEA (France); Stéphane Grandjean, CEA (France); Michel Masson, CEA (France); Bernard Boullis, CEA (France) |
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Impact of Dutch Nuclear Fuel Cycle Scenarios on Radionuclide Inventory Intended for Disposal - 15201
Jaap Hart, Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (Netherlands); Ecaterina Rosca-Bocancea, Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (Netherlands) |