This panel discussed key issues in commercial LLW management in the US from the perspective of active members of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. State, compact, federal and industry officials shared their views on a variety of timely and significant topics related to low-level radioactive waste management and disposal. Topics include:
- Highlights from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s TENORM study - Andy Lombardo
- Summarizing challenges in the Bakkens/Three Forks Oil Fields, sharing an overview of public comments on proposed changes of the Radioactive Waste Disposal Limits in North Dakota from the current level of 5 picocuries/gram to 50 picocuries/gram, and reviewing the findings and conclusions of a study by the ANL on Radiological Dose and Risk Assessment of Landfill Disposal of TENORM in North Dakota - Dale Patrick
- Overview of the Texas Compact’s Activities with Focus on Import and Export Provisions - Brandon Hurley
- Providing Insights into the Issues, Findings and Recommendations of the Disused Sources Working Group – Leo Drozdoff
- Update to NRC 10CFR 61 Site-Specific Technical Analyses; finalization of the Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation; and, Proposed Revisions to NUREG/BR-0204 (LLW Manifesting with particular focus on the phantom-four radionuclides) – Larry Camper
Panelists include: Andy Lombardo, Senior Vice-President, Perma-Fix Environmental Services & Consultant to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Radiation Protection; Dale Patrick, Manager, Radioactive Materials Program, Division of Air Quality, North Dakota Department of Health; Brandon Hurley, Chair, Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission; Leo Drozdoff, Director, Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; and Larry Camper, Director of the Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, US NRC.