Paper Title
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Modeling and Quantitative Assessment of Green and Sustainable Remediation Options for the M1 Air Stripper System at DOE SRS - 15660
David Roelant, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); Ralph Nichols, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Natalia Duque, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA) |
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Land Use Planning Scenarios for Contaminated Land: Comparing EPA, State Federal, and Tribal Scenarios - 15642
Michael Gochfeld, Rutgers University (USA); Joanna Burger, Rutgers University (USA); Charles Powers, Vanderbilt University - CRESP (USA); David Kosson, Vanderbilt University, CRESP (USA) |
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Biomass for Bioenergy and Biochar Applications - 15653
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Omar Al-Qudah, Lincoln University of Missouri (USA); Majed El-Dweik, Lincoln University of Missouri (USA); Hasan Ali, Lincoln University of Missouri (USA) |
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An Approach to Evaluating and Monitoring Ecological Resources for Sustainability on DOE Remediation Sites: Hanford as a Case Study - 15524
Joanna Burger, Rutgers University (USA); Michael Gochfeld, Rutgers University (USA); Jennifer Salisbury, Vanderbilt University - CRESP (USA); Amoret Bunn, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |