Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 125 - Non Radiological Characterization for LLW, ILW, MW, NORM and TENORM



Co Chair(s):   Frazier Bronson (USA)
Heinz Kroeger (Germany)
Lead Organizer:   Frazier Bronson (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Loong Yong (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Heinz Kroeger (Germany)




Paper Title


Waste Management Lessons Learned from the Paducah C-340 Metals Reduction Complex D&D - 14300
Myrna Redfield, LATA Environmental Services of Kentucky (USA); Brad Montgomery, LATA Environmental Services of Kentucky (USA); Rob Seifert, US DOE (USA)


Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants - 14352
Tatiana Levitskaia, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Brian Rapko, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Syandev Chatterjee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Mathew Edwards, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Sergei Sinkov, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Reid Peterson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)


Measurement and Modelling of Legacy Sludge Separation and Transport Processes - 14250
Timothy Hunter, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Michael Fairweather, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Steven Freear, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Jeff Peakall, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Simon Biggs, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Hugh Rice, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); David Cowell, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Geoff Randall, Sellafield Ltd (United Kingdom); David Burt, MMI Engineering Ltd (United Kingdom)


In Situ Characterization of Mobilization, Dispersion and Re-Settling in Impinging Jet Ballast Tanks with an Acoustic Backscatter System - 14097
Jaiyana Bux, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Timothy Hunter, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Neepa Paul, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Jeff Peakall, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Simon Biggs, University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Jonathan Dodds, National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom); Dominic Rhodes, National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom)


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