Paper Title
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Cask Assembly Level Modeling to Determine Used Nuclear Fuel Assembly Loading Environments Resulting From Normal Conditions of Rail Transport - 14511
John Bignell, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Gregg Flores, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Douglas Ammerman, Sandia National Laboratories (USA) |
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Assembly Level Modeling and Transportation Damage Prediction of Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) Cladding - 14569 Scott Sanborn, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Brian Koeppel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Nicholas Klymyshyn, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA);
Harold E. Adkins, Jr, PNNL (USA); Kenneth Geelhood, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
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Damaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel; Development of Transport and Intermediate Storage Solutions - 14613
Anna Wikmark, Studsvik Nuclear AB (Sweden) |
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Reversal Bending Fatigue Testing on Zry-4 Surrogate Rods - 14503
Jy-An Wang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Hong Wang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Bruce Bevard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Robert Howard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) |
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Detailed PWR Fuel Rod and Grid Finite Element Analysis to Provide Equivalent Rod Stiffness and Damping and Equivalent Grid Shell Thickness to PWR Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) Assembly - 14525
Justin Coleman, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Robert Spears, Idaho National Laboratory (USA) |
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Toil and Trouble: Recommendations for the Preparation of the DOE National Transportation Plan - 14450
Fred Dilger, Black Mountain Research (USA); Bob J. Halstead, State Of Nevada (USA); James Ballard, California State University (USA) |
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An Integrated Approach to the Technical Development and Procurement of the UK’s Intermediate Level Waste Containers – 14195 - 14195
Jason Dean, National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom); John-Patrick Richardson, National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom); John Collins, Idaho National Laboratory (USA) |
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Russian Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Repatriation from the Reactor Country to the Russian Federation for Reprocessing - 14149
Karel Svoboda, UJV Rez, a. s. (Czech Republic); František Sviták, UJV Rez, a. s. (Czech Republic); Josef Podlaha, UJV Rez, a.s. (Czech Republic) |