Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 112 - Panel: Management of Radioactive Waste Following a Nuclear Accident or Extreme Contamination Scenario



Co Chair(s):   Larry Camper (USA)
Irena Mele (Austria)
Lead Organizer:   Larry Camper (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Rateb Abu Eid (USA)

This Thursday afternoon featured panel will focus on the remediation, decommissioning and related waste management aspects following a major nuclear accident or cleanup of an extreme contamination scenario. The panel will also address the crises communication which took place during these events as well as communication with the public in general during nuclear accidents or contamination events. The panel will address the following sites: Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) (USA), Chernobyl NPP (Ukraine), Fukushima NPP (Japan), Windscale Pile I (United Kingdom) and the Rocky Flats Infinity Rooms (USA) remediation. Several of the panelists also took part in the "IAEA-International Experts Meeting on Decommissioning and Remediation after an Accident" in January, 2013.

Panelists include: Martin T. Cross, PhD, Principal Consultant, Nuvia Ltd. (United Kingdom); Jack Devine, Chief Decommissioning Officer, Sellafield Ltd. (United Kingdom); Jim Mcllvaine, Chesapeake Nuclear Services (USA - Chernobyl NPP); Francis X. Cameron, Principal Consultant, Zero Gravity Group (USA);  Robert Kury, Vice President Nuclear Liabilities D&D, Program Management, CH2MHill(USA); and Kazuhiro Suzuki, Executive Director, International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (Japan).



Panel Report



The Windscale Pile 1 Accident in 57, Subsequent Clean-Up & Decommissioning
Martin Cross, Cross & Co (United Kingdom)

Post-Accident Remediation - Critical Lessons
Jack DeVine, Sellafield Ltd. (United Kingdom)

Risk/Waste Management at Chernobyl
James McIlvaine, Chesapeake Nuclear Services (USA)

Lessons Learned from the Rocky Flats Infinity Room Decontamination Project - Session 112
Robert Kury, CH2M HILL (USA)

Radioactive Waste at Fukushima Daiichi NPS
Kazuhiro Suzuki, International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (Japan)

Communicating With the Public During a Nuclear Crisis
Francis "Chip" Cameron, The Zero Gravity Group LLC (USA)


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