Paper Title
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Geophysical Logging to Assess Annular Seals in Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Hanford Site - 14536
Rick McCain, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Paul Henwood, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Arron Pope, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA) |
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In situ Precipitation of Radionuclides in Groundwater at US DOE Savannah River Site - 14559
Chris Lutes, ARCADIS US, Inc. (USA); Angela Frizzell, ARCADIS US, Inc. (USA); Jeff Gillow, ARCADIS US, Inc. (USA); Jeff Beckner, ARCADIS US, Inc. (USA) |
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Genome-Enabled Systems Approach to Predict Immobilization of Technetium in the Subsurface - 14351
Michelle (Hope) Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Danielle Saunders, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Brady Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
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Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation - 14354 Brady Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA);
Michelle (Hope) Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Danielle Saunders, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Kent Parker, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
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The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA - 14021 Mark Carlson, CH2M HILL (USA); Adrienne Menniti, Clean Water Services (USA); Ken Martins, CH2M HILL (USA); Michelle (Hope) Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Josh Boltz, CH2M HILL (USA); Sally Simmons, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); John Morse, US DOE (USA);
Mark Byrnes, CH2M HILL (USA) |
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Identification of Major Risk Drivers and Contaminants of Potential Concern for a Complex Groundwater Aquifer - 14350 Alaa Aly, INTERA (USA);
Donna Morgans, INTERA (USA) |
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Efficiencies and Optimization of Weak Based Anion IX Resin for Groundwater Hexavalent Chromium Removal at Hanford - 14202 Dean Neshem, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Charles Miller, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); James Hanson, US DOE (USA); Kris Ivarson, CH2MHILL PRC (USA); Naomi Jaschke, US DOE (USA); Peter Meyers, ResinTech (USA);
Mark Byrnes (Presenter only), CH2M HILL (USA) |
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Project Status of the Port Hope Area Initiative: Application of the Adaptive Management Concept as Theory Becomes Reality - 14340
G. Glenn Case, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Canada); Walter van Veen, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Canada); David W. Smith, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Canada); Dave Lawrence, Public Works Government Services Canada (Canada) |