Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 017 - Panel: Hot Topics in US Commercial LLW Management



Co Chair(s):   Todd Lovinger (USA)
Leonard Slosky (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Todd Lovinger (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Leonard Slosky (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Todd Lovinger (USA)

This panel will focus on emerging issues in commercial LLW management in the US from the perspective of five active members of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. State, compact, federal and industry officials will share their views on a variety of timely and significant topics related to LLW management and disposal. These topics include: 1) Renee Echols discussing current issues, technologies and matters of significance for brokers and processors of low-level radioactive waste including nuclear clean-up during challenging economic times; 2) Larry Camper discussing the Part 61 Site-Specific Performance Assessment Rulemaking, the Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation, Updating of the LLW Strategic Assessment, Proposed Revisions to NUREG/BR-0204 re LLW Manifesting, and Future Commission Direction for the LLW Program; 3) Billy Cox providing industry perspectives on proposed revisions to NUREG BR-0204 re LLW Manifesting Guidance, including what is not optimal about current practice and ways to improve, with particular focus on the phantom 4; 4) Rusty Lundberg providing an update on issues, findings and recommendations from the LLW Forum’s Disused Sources Working Group to the National Nuclear Security Administration/Global Threat Reduction Initiative on the management and disposition of disused sources that pose a threat to national security; and 5) Leigh Ing providing an overview regarding proposed changes to the import/export rules and the White Paper on establishing the generator of low-level radioactive waste, as well as requirements and restrictions regarding waste type, origin, and volume.

Panelists include: Renee Echols, Senior Vice-President of Sales and Marketing, Perma-Fix Environmental Services; Larry Camper, Director of the Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection in the Office of Federal & State Materials & Environmental Management Programs, US NRC; Billy Cox; Senior Project Manager in Nuclear Chemistry, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI); Rusty Lundberg, Director of the Division of Radiation Control at the Utah Department of Environmental Quality; and Leigh Ing, Consulting Supervisory Director at the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission (TLLRWDCC).



Panel Report



Hot Topics in Commercial LLW Management
Renee Echols, Perma-Fix Environmental Services (USA)

Hot Topics in US Commercial LLW Management
Larry Camper, US NRC (USA)

Quantifying the Phantom Four - Improving Accuracy in Reporting 3H, 14C, 99Tc & 129I
Billy Cox, EPRI (USA)

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum
Rusty Lundberg, State of Utah (USA)

Hot Topics and Emerging Issues for the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Comission
Leigh Ing, (USA)


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