Session 031 - Technical Innovations in Environmental Remediation and Site Closure
Del Baird, CDM (USA) Ernest Stine, Shaw Environmental, Inc. (USA)
Paper Title
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Green Remediation of Perchlorate-Contaminated Soil by On-Site Bioremedation at an Active Manufacturing Facility - 11320
Marc Dionne, AMEC Geomatrix (USA); Grant Ohland, AMEC Geomatrix (USA); Scott Goulart, Aerojet, a GenCorp Inc. (USA) |
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Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management (ASCEM): Early Site Demonstration - 11560
Juan Meza, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA); Susan Hubbard, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA); Mark Freshley, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Ian Gorton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); David Moulton, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Miles Denham, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |
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Analysis of Modeling Capabilities to Predict Disposal Facility Cover Design and Performance at DOE sites - 11057
Roneisha Worthy, Vanderbilt University (USA); James Clarke, Vanderbilt University (USA); Mark Abkowitz, Vanderbilt University (USA); Craig Benson, The University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA) |
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Detection of Historical Pipeline Leak Plumes Using Non-intrusive, Surface Based Geophysical Techniques at the Hanford Nuclear Site - 11571
James Fink, hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (USA); Marc Levitt, hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (USA); Dale Rucker, hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (USA); Marysia Skorska , Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC (USA) |
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Interim Barrier in Hanford's TY Farm to Protect Groundwater - 11295
Danny Parker, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Melissa Holm, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Robert Lober, US DOE (USA); Colin Henderson, Columbia Environmental and Engineering Services (USA) |
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Characterization of the Hanford 618-10 Burial Ground Trenches, Washington, USA - 11119
Walter Josephson, WorleyParsons Polestar (USA); John Ludowise, Washington Closure Hanford, LLC (USA) |