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8:30 AM-SESSION 21 (Gila Rm.)


Co-chairs: Wendell Weart, SNL
Stan Kosiewicz, LANL

  1. Major Regulatory Review Processes for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: A Perspective from the Applicant--R.F. Kehrman, B. Howard, S. Wagner, Westinghouse Electric Corp.; J. Mewhinney, C. Snider, USDOE
  2. The Environmental Protection Agency's WIPP Certification Process: The Steps Leading to Our Decision--M. Kruger, C. Laikin, USEPA
  3. Conditions and Technical Issues Related to the EPA's Proposed Certification Decision on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant--B. Forinash, S. Monroe, USEPA
  4. Twenty Years of Independent Scientific Oversight of WIPP--R. H. Neill, L. Chaturvedi, Environmental Evaluation Group
  5. Attainment of Transuranic Waste Certification Authority by the Los Alamos National Laboratory: A National Milestone on the Road to WIPP--I. R. Triay, P.S.Z. Rogers, M. A. Gavett, G. I. Vigil, S. G. Wander, D. P. Taggart, D. R. Yeamans, J. J. Vigil, S. E. Betts, D. R. Janecky, C. P. Leibman, A. J. Montoya, S.A. Robbins, LANL
  6. An Update on the National Transuranic Program as WIPP Prepares to Open--D. E. Watkins, USDOE; M. S. Kearney, Roy F. Weston, Inc.; S.A. Lott, Advanced Sciences, Inc.; T. E. Bearden, NFT, Inc.
  7. A Process for Operational Readiness at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant--J. L. Epstein, Westinghouse Electric Corp.
  8. The World's Safest Radioactive Transportation System--T. J. Sweeney, USDOE; J. J. Winkel, Westinghouse Electric Corp.