1 Student Poster: "The High Level Waste VitrificationTest Rig and Predictive Modelling", Hannah Paterson, nucleargraduates
2 Student Poster: Thermal Impact in the Geometrical Settings in Deep Geological Repositories for HLW with Retrievability", Rocio Leon Vargas (pictured), Joachim Stahlmann, TU Braunschweig-Inst. For Soil Mechanics and Foundatrion Engineering
3 Student Poster:" Ensuring Nuclear Waste Galass Longevity: How Studying Ancient Glasses can Help Predict the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass", Jamie Weaver (pictured), Nathalie Wall, John McCloy, Washington State University; Rolf Sjoblom, Lulea University of Technology: David Peeler, Michael Schweiger, Pacific Northwest Laboratory: Albert Kruger, US DOE
4 Student Poster: "Strategic Planning as Competitive Defferential Using BSC: A case Study in CTR/IPEN - USP, Brazil", Imario Vieira (pictured), IPEN - Instituto De Pesquisas Energetica e Nucleares; FernandIPEN o Codelo do Nascimento, Faculdade SENAI de Tecnologia Ambiental; Wilson Aparecido Parejo Calvo, USP-IPEN
5 Student Poster: "Green & Sustainable Remediation Analysis of a Packed Tower Air Stripper Used to Remediate Grondwater Contaminated with CVOCs", Yoel Rotterman (pictured), US DOE; David Roelant, Applied Research Center-FIU; Ralph Nichols, Savannah River National Laboratory
6 Student Poster: " Synthesis of Bismuth Functionalized Grapheme Oxide for Radioactive Iodine Gas Removal", Sangsoo Han (pictured), Pohang Universtiy of Science and Technology; Wooyong Um, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Won-Seok Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology
7 "Student Poster: ""Crystallization Behavior of Nepheline(Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2) Based Glasses Designed in Na2O – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 System"", Ambar Deshkar (pictured), Ashutosh Goel, Rutgers University; Scott Southern, Libor Kobera, David Bryce, University of Ottawa (Canada); John McCloy, Jose Marcial, Washington State University"
8 Student Poster: "Radiochemical Method for Characterization of the Filter Cartridges from the IEA-R1 Reactor", Bianca Geraldo (pictured), Nuclear and Energy ResearchInstitute - IPEN/CNEN-SP (Brazil); Marcos Goes Maciel, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP; Roberto Vicente, Júlio Takehiro Marumo, Robson de Jesus Ferreira, Marcelo Francis Máduar, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
9 Student Poster: "In-situ Analysis of Legacy Pond Sludge using Raman Spectroscopy", Kate Wyness, University of Bristol
10 Student Poster: "Modelling the Interaction of Corroded Magnox Surfaces with Nuclear Fission Products", Eszter Makkos (pictured), Nikolas Kaltsoyannis, University College London; Andrew Kerridge, Lancaster University; Jonathan Austin, National Nuclear Laboratory
11 Student Poster: "Synthesis and Characterisation of Calcium Uranate Particles via an Aqueous Route", Wei Ding (picutred), Bruce Hanson, Ian T. Burke, University of Leeds
12 "Student Poster: ""Sludge Hygienization Research Irradiator"" Indranil Bisuri, Amity Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology "
13 Student Poster: " Study of an Unrefined Humate Solution as a Possible Remediation Method for Groundwater Contamination at SRS", Hansell Gonzalez Raymat (pictured), Yelena Katsenovich, Leonel Lagos, Applied Research Center - FIU
14 Student Poster: "Ammonia Gas Injection for Remediation of Uranium Contamination" Silvina Di Pietro, Applied Research Center - FIU
15 Student Poster: "Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of U(VI) Bearing Groundwater Treated with Sodium Silicate at the Savannah River Site", Alejandro Hernandez, Applied Research Center - FIU
16 Student Poster: "Application of Geospatial Tools to Support Development of a Hydrological Model of the Tims Branch Watershed, Aiken, SC", Awmna Rana (pictured), Angelique Lawrence, Mehrnoosh Mahmoudi, Shimelis Setegn, Applied Research Center - FIU
17 Student Poster: "Stainless Steel Corrosion: Feed Properties Affecting Material Selection for LAWPS Piping at Hanford Site" John Conley, Applied Research Center - FIU
18 Student Poster: "Radial Jet Impingement Correlation Investigation", Maximiliano Edrei, Applied Research Center -FIU
19 Student Poster: "Innovative Process for Abatement of Mercury" Janesler Gonzalez, Applied Research Center -FIU
20 "Student Poster: "" Topographic Analysis of Time Series Data to Support the Hydrology Model of the Tims Branch Watershed, Aiken, SC"" Christopher Strand (pictured), Mehrnoosh Mahmoudi, Angelique Lawrence, Shimelis Setegn, Applied Research Center - FIU"
21 Student Poster: "Nonmetallic Materials Testing for Hanford's HLW Transfer System", Anthony Fernandez (pictured), Amer Awwad, Dwayne McDaniel, John Conley, Applied Research Center - FIU
22 Student Poster: "Modifications/Enhancements to the Robotic Pipe Inspection Tool Utilized for the DOE High Level Waste Project at Hanford Site", Erim Gokce, Applied Research Center - FIU
23 "Student Poster: ""Rapid Imaging of Solids in High Level Waste Tanks at Hanford"", Gene Yllanes, Applied Research Center - FIU"
24 "Student Poster: ""Heat Transfer Calculations for the Use of an Infrared Temperature Sensor"", Meilyn Planas, Applied Research Center - FIU; Terry Sams, Washington River Protection Solutions"
25 Student Poster: "The Characterization of Uranium Phases Produced by the NH3 Injection Remediation Method under Hanford 200 Area Conditions", Robert Lapierre, Applied Research Center - FIU
26 Student Poster: "Fixatives Decision Model on KM-IT Platform", Jorge Deshon (pictured), Himanshu Upadhyay, Applied Research Center - FIU
27 Student Poster: "Development of a Miniature Motorized Inspection Tool for the Hanford DOE Site Tank Bottoms", Ryan Sheffield, Hadi Fekrmandi (pictured), Dwayne McDaniel, Applied Research Center - FIU
28 "Student Poster: ""A Model to Simulate Flow in Tims Branch, Savannah River Site, SC "", Natalia Duque (pictured), Mehrnoosh Mahmoudi, Angelique Lawrence, Shimelis Setegn, Applied Research Center - FIU"
29 Student Poster: " Investigation of the Concentration and Distribution of C14 in Magnox Nuclear Graphite" Liam Payne, University of Bristol
30 "Student Poster: ""Optimizing the Allocation Strategy for Used Nuclear Fuel"", Gordon Petersen, University of Tennessee"
31 "Student Poster: ""Imaging Spent Nuclear Fuel using Cosmic Ray Muons"", Stylianos Chatzidakis (pictured), Chan Choi, Lefteri Tsoukalas, Purdue University"
32 Student Poster: "Solid Formations Within Effluent Discharge Pipelines in a Nuclear Treatment Plant", Robert Jones, University of Manchester
33 Student Poster: "Towards a Resilient Dry Storage Cask System for Earthquakes", Ahmed Maree, University of Nevada, Reno
34 Student Poster: "Carbon Footprinting of Low Level Waste Management Options in the UK", Holly Fittes, nucleargraduates
35 Student Poster: "Bismuth-Titanate Starch Ultrasonic Transducers", Leland Tien, Pennsylvania State University
36 Student Poster: "Cooperative Robatic Scheduling and Path Planning for D & D Applications", Sebstian Zanlongo, Applied Research Center-FIU