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3.7 Assessment of Disposal Systems Facilities and Sites for LLW ILW a Global Perspective 3.8 The Uranium Industry - Current Topics and Issues 3.9 Selected Key Topics in US Commercial LLW Management 3.10 NORM Waste and Other Radioactive Material and Safety Issues in the Oil and Gas Industry 3.11 Cementitious Waste Forms for LLWILW 3.12 Radiological Characterization of Materials from Non-Nuclear Sources 4 NUCLEAR POWER PLANT NPP WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ON-SITE USED FUEL MANAGEMENT Andreas Roth AMR German Products Services GmbH Lead Co-Chair V 49-1719-335234 E Clint C. Miller Pacific Gas Electric Co-Chair V 805-545-4582 E Mark Lewis EnergySolutions Co-Chair V 803-758-1827 E The Nuclear Power Plant NPP Waste Management track encompasses waste characterization and minimization treatment packaging and management of NPP operational wastes and NPP SNFUNF storage and management. 4. - Nuclear Power Plant NPP Waste Management - Non-specified Abstracts 4.0 Nuclear Power Plant NPP Waste Management - Posters 4.1 Advances in the Management of Nuclear Power Plant Dry Waste from Around the World 4.2 Perspective on Management of Nuclear Power Plant Liquid and Wet Waste 4.3 Nuclear Power Plant Onsite SNFUNF StorageISFSI and Failed Fuel Handling 4.4 Featured Country Japanese NPP Radioactive Waste Management 5 PACKAGING AND TRANSPORTATION PT Paul Jones Ameriphysics Lead Co-Chair V 865-591-8632 E Olaf Oldiges Daher-NCS Co-Chair V 48-6181-501100 E Kent McDonald Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Co-Chair V 509-375-6467 E The Packaging and Transportation track includes all activities and issues related to the safe secure economical packaging and transportation of radioactive materials. This includes HLW TRU LLW ILW and MW fresh and irradiated nuclear fuel contaminated media and debris isotopes and radioactive sources uranium hexafluoride etc. Topic areas include international regulatory activities issues and initiatives packaging development and related issues logistics and transportation operations including large items from decommissioning integrated planning and scheduling status and issues for large shipping campaigns stakeholder and public interactions and issues. 5. - Packaging and Transportation - Non-specified Abstracts 5.0 Packaging and Transportation - Posters 5.1 Worldwide Experience in Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive and Other Hazardous Materials 5.2 Radioactive Material Packaging and Transportation Regulatory Issues Worldwide 5.3 Global Advances in Packaging for Interim Storage Transport and Disposal 5.4 State Tribal and Regional Groups Involvement in Resolving Radiological Transportation Issues 5.5 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Packaging and Transportation Lessons Learned 5.6 Success Stories and Lessons Learned in Transportation Worldwide 5.7 Packaging Design 6 DECONTAMINATION AND DECOMMISSIONING DD Fred Sheil Sheil Consulting Ltd. Lead Co-Chair V 44-1946-813342 E Al Freitag Consultant Co-Chair V 914-475-1170 E Jas Devgun Consultant Co-Chair V 312-269-2283 E This track includes all aspects of DD from shutdown and planning to license termination andor greenfield including characterization decontamination storageSAFESTOR dismantling demolition waste handling final survey and associated new technology development for both government and commercial nuclear power and non-power facilities. It also includes DD technologies and program strategies worldwide as well as the regulatory aspects. 6. - DD - Non-specified Abstracts 6.0 DD - Posters 6.1 DD of Nuclear and Non-Power Generating Facilities both Large and Small 6.2 DD of Nuclear Power Plants 6.3 DD of US DOE Facilities 6.4 Plans for and Experience in Transitioning from Operations to Decommissioning 6.5 International Experience in Waste OptimizationMinimization and Harmonization during DD 6.6 Application of Innovative DD Technologies 6.7 An International View on Approaches to Fast Track Technology Development and Demonstration 6.8 Challenges in DD of Non-Nuclear Plants and Facilities 7 ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION ER John Kristofzski Consultant Lead Co-Chair V 509-420-6013 E Tjalle Chuck Vandergraaf Consultant Co-Chair V 204-753-8402 E Kurt Gerdes US DOE Co-Chair V 301-903-7289 E This track includes all activities associated with the assessment cleanup and closure of contaminated sites. The topics will explore how to restore and protect human health and the environment through investigation cleanup closure and long-term site management. The focus is on above and below ground remedial actions and cleanup activities including site inspection characterization and evaluation sampling and analysis compliance monitoring resolving regulatory issues that impact cleanup aquifer and soil remediation managing waste resulting from cleanup activities remedial design and implementation accelerating cleanup through technological or process improvements closure sustainable green remediation processes and legacy managementlong-term stewardship. 7. - Environmental Remediation - Non-specified Abstracts 7.0 Environmental Remediation - Posters 7.1 Environmental Remediation Progress towards Closure of Contaminated Sites around the World 7.2 Technical Innovations in Environmental Remediation and Site Closure 7.3 Innovative Field Monitoring for Environmental Remediation 7.4 Worldwide Experience with ER Challenges Alternatives to Determining and Achieving End States 7.5 ER Post Closure Challenges and Long Term StewardshipLegacy Management 7.6 Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program FUSRAP and US Army Corp of Engineers Projects 7.7 Groundwater Remediation Projects Worldwide Experiences 7.8 Characterization and Remediation Technologies for Complex and Comingled Contaminants 7.9 Sustainable Remediation Processes Global Insights or Applications 7.10 Environmental Remediation in Urban and Suburban Environments Examples from around the World 7.11 US DOE EM Risk-Informed Performance Based Decision Making WM2017 Building Global Trust in Decommissioning Radioactive Waste Management