Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 117 - HLW Retrieval, Closure and Processing Operational Experience



Co Chair(s):   Sharon Marra (USA)
Gene Ramsey (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Sharon Marra (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Jonathan Bricker (USA)
John Gregory (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   John Gregory (USA)




Paper Title


World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter - 14035
Régis Didierlaurent, AREVA NC (France); Eric Chauvin, AREVA (France); Jean Francois Hollebecque, CEA Marcoule (France); Jacques Lacombe, CEA Marcoule (France); Christian Mesnil, AREVA (France); Catherine Veyer, AREVA (France); Olivier Pinet, CEA Marcoule (France)


Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant - 14456
Gregoire Lemiere, AREVA (France); Tahn Zanife, AREVA NC (France); Pascal Giavarini, AREVA NC (France); Nathalie SEGOND, AREVA NC (France); Christophe Bordeaux, AREVA NP SAS (France); Frederic Chambon, AREVA Federal Services, LLC (USA); Eric Tchemitcheff, AREVA Federal Services (USA)


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