Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 114 - Papers/Panel: Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) for Geologic Repositories of Nuclear Waste-Part 2 of 2



Co Chair(s):   Russell Patterson (USA)
Abraham Van Luik (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Abraham Van Luik (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Tom Klein (USA)
Russell Patterson (USA)
Claudio Pescatore (France)
Panel Reporter:   Russell Patterson (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Tom Klein (USA)

This paper and panel session will focus on ideas and views on the permanent marker system for geologic repositories of nuclear waste and focus on identifying a uniform message that should be told to future generations. The hope is to get as many interested professionals, educators, and young professionals as possible together to discuss in some detail two items: 1) What internationally agreed to "message" should be included in all permanent markers programs, and 2) How/Where should these messages be archived and transmitted.  We encourage all young professionals who are interested in the topic of passing information to future generations to attend and provide their view points on the subject. After the papers are presented, the panel will discuss these issues.

Panelists include: Claudio Pescatore, NEA-OECD (France); Erik Setzman, SKB (Sweden); Roger Seitz, SRNL; Jantine Schroder, SCK-CHEN (Belgium); Simon Wisbey, NDA (United Kingdom); and Peter C. van Wyck, Concordia University (Canada).



Panel Report



Records, Knowledge and Memory for Near-Surface Disposal
Roger Seitz, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA)

van Wyck Presentation
Peter C. Van Wyck, Concordia University (Canada)



Markers and Deep Geological Repositories – Learning within the OECD/NEA Project on the Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across Generations - 14589
Claudio Pescatore, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (France); Jantine Schröder, SCK-CEN / University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Preservation of Information and Communication With Future Generations - 14509
Erik Setzman, SKB (Sweden)


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