International Framework for Nuclear Energy Co-operation (IFNEC) Prospects for an International Repository John Mathieson, UK NDA (United Kingdom) |
Multinational Repositories Graham Fairhall, UK National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom) |
The IAEA’s Role in the Development of Multilateral/Regional Cooperation Opportunities for Radioactive Waste Repositories Paul Degnan, IAEA (Austria) |
Multinational European Nuclear Waste Disposal, Looking Off-Shore - 14099
Hans Codee, COVRA N.V. (Netherlands); Ewoud Verhoef, COVRA N.V. (Netherlands) |
Towards a European Regional Geological Repository - 14620
Charles McCombie, MCM Consulting; Arius Association (Switzerland); Neil Chapman, Arius Association (Switzerland); Ewoud Verhoef, COVRA N.V. (Netherlands) |
Macroeconomic Impacts of an International Repository - 14048
James Voss, Predicus, LLC (USA); Ralph Stoll, Predicus LLC (USA); Michael Simpson, Consultant (United Kingdom) |