Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 108 - D&D of US DOE Facilities



Co Chair(s):   Con Lyras (Australia)
Robert Vellinger (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Andrew Szilagyi (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Julia Tripp (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Andrew Szilagyi (USA)




Paper Title


Managing Changed Conditions/Activities—D&D of the Paducah US DOE C-340 Metals Reduction Complex - 14304
Craig Jones, LATA Environmental Services of Kentucky (USA); Brad Montgomery, LATA Environmental Services of Kentucky (USA); Rob Seifert, US DOE (USA)


Removal of the 340 Vault from the Hanford 300 Area using Disodium Phosphate - 14343
Brad Herzog, CH2M HILL, Inc. (USA); Rudolph Guercia, US DOE (USA); Chris Strand, Washington Closure Hanford (USA); Eric Ison, TradeWinds Inc (USA); Scott Myers (Presenter only), Washington Closure Hanford (USA)


Project Planning Integration and Controls Organization Approach Success at East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) Contract, Oak Ridge, TN - 14370
Patrick Timbes, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA); Ray Haynes, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA)


618-10 Burial Ground: Vertical Pipe Units Remediation - 14532
Scott Myers, Washington Closure Hanford (USA)


K-27 Program & Project Implementation (Separating Operations Activities from Capital Asset Project) - 14098
Daniel Macias, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR) (USA)


In Situ Decommissioning Lessons Learned - 14042
Charles Negin, Project Enhancement Corporation (USA); Andrew Szilagyi, US DOE (USA); Charles Urland, Project Enhancement Corporation (USA)


Contaminated Waste Minimisation Using Chemical Extraction Technology - 14316 - 14316
Mark Musgrave, Matom Ltd (United Kingdom); Scott Fay, Matom Ltd (USA)


Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99 - 14183
David Glasgow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Linda Lewis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Brenda Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Rick Moyers, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Fred Montgomery, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Cyril Thompson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Andrew Szilagyi, US DOE (USA)


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