Paper Title
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The Art & Power of Visual Data Imaging - 14622
Jeffrey Lively, AMEC (USA) |
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Pore Water Extraction Test Near 241-SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA - 14168
Danny Parker, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Melissa Holm, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Susan Eberlein, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Harold Sydnor, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Cynthia Tabor, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); R. Douglas Hildebrand, US DOE (USA); Michelle Hendrickson, Washington State Department of Ecology (USA); Maria Skorska, Washington State Department of Ecology (USA); Colin Henderson, Columbia Environmental and Engineering Services (USA) |
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Strategy for Demonstration of Attainment of Groundwater Cleanup Levels - 14618
Alaa Aly, INTERA (USA); Trevor Budge, INTERA (USA) |
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Rate of Uranium Release from Calcium Meta-Autunite: Effect of Bicarbonate Solutions on the Dissolution - 14218 Ravi Krishna Prasanth Gudavalli, Florida International University (USA);
Yelena Katsenovich, Florida International University (USA); Leonel Lagos, Florida International University (USA); Dawn Wellman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
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Web-Based Tool Identifies and Quantifies Potential Cost Savings Measures at the Hanford Site - 14366
Jon Peschong, US DOE (USA); Briant Charboneau, US DOE (USA); Marisa Renevitz, Longenecker & Associates (USA); Brett Simpson, Vista Engineering Technologies (USA) |