Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 085 - Panel: Informed Performance Based Decision Making



Co Chair(s):   Kimberly Brinkley (USA)
Linda Suttora (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Kurt Gerdes (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Jeannette Hyatt (USA)
Michelle (Hope) Lee (USA)
Bill Levitan (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Dawn Wellman (USA)

This panel session will present the issues related to a holistic approach, methods of site wide evaluation of risk and efforts to develop a risk informed approach to clean-up to meet regulatory requirements and statutes.

The competing national priorities require a closer look at clean-up plans across the DOE complex which in turn has presented an opportunity to re-evaluate methods of remediation.  A holistic approach that includes looking at risk factors across a site and mitigation of those risks is being explored.  Current approaches have addressed risk on an operable unit (OU) by operable unit (OU) basis with some analysis of impacts to adjacent OUs but not across an entire site.

The panelists include experts from industry, academia and government with extensive backgrounds in environmental clean-up.   They will present current National Research Council reports and findings as well as proposed methods for site reviews.  This panel will be followed by Panel 086 that will present tools being developed to better model and evaluate potential scenarios for clean-up.

Panelists include: Bill Levitan, US DOE; Rula Deeb, Principal, Geosyntec Consultants and ITRC Team Lead; Carol Eddy-Dilek, Scientist, SRNL; Chuck Newell, Vice President, GSI Environmental Inc.; and Mike Truex, Scientist, PNNL.



Panel Report



Risk-Informed Decision Making at Department of Energy Sites
Bill Levitan, US DOE (USA)


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