Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 078 - Nuclear Power Plant Onsite SNF/UNF Storage



Co Chair(s):   Mark Lewis (USA)
Andreas Roth (Germany)
Lead Organizer:   Wolfgang Steinwarz (Germany)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Mark Lewis (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Wolfgang Steinwarz (Germany)




Paper Title


Regulation of Waste Streams from Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Reactors - 14061
Anna Bradford, US NRC (USA)


Lessons Learned after 20 Years of Experience with the 10 CFR 72 General License Process - 14019
Brian Gutherman, Gutherman Technical Services (USA)


Containers for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel and Waste from the Operations, Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Power Stations - 14163
Allen Jack, GNS mbH (Germany); Juergen Skrzyppek, GNS mbH (Germany); Joerg Viermann, GNS mbH (Germany); Wolfgang Steinwarz, Siempelkamp Nukleartechnik GmbH (Germany)


Technical Feasibility of Storing 1 Month Old SNF in an Onsite Irradiation Facility - 14233
Russell Goff, G-Demption, LLC (USA)


Situation of Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and Highly Active Waste (HAW) in Germany - 14249
Christoph Gastl, Federal Office of Radiation Protection (Germany)


Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments - 14657
John Scaglione, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Joshua Peterson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Kaushik Banerjee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Kevin Robb, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Robert LeFebvre, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)


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