Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 077 - An Update on the Fukushima Recovery Project & Its Global Impact



Co Chair(s):   Angie Jones (USA)
David Wallace (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Angie Jones (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   David Wallace (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   David Wallace (USA)




Paper Title


Effects of Fukushima on Global Nuclear Development - 14621
Charles McCombie, MCM Consulting; Arius Association (Switzerland)


Impermeable Graphite Matrix IGM for the Conditioning of Spent Absorbers at Fukushima - 14186
Georg Bräehler, NUKEM Technologies GmbH (Germany); Karl-Heinz Grosse, ALD (Germany); Walter Mueller, FNAG ZU (Germany); Eric Marsat, FNAG SAS (France); Johannes Fachinger, Furnaces Nuclear Applications Grenoble (Germany)


Development of a Reactive Transport Model for the Optimization of Ion Specific Media Used at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant - 14579
Joshua Mertz, Kurion, Inc. (USA); Mark Denton, Kurion, Inc. (USA); Brian Powell, Clemson University (USA); Lawrence Murdoch, Clemson University (USA)


Frozen Soil Barrier Technology – Facts, The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Barrier - 14554
Elizabeth Phillips, US DOE (USA); Edward Yarmak, Arctic Foundations, Inc. (USA)


Severe Accident Management Hierarchy and Resilience Architecture Post Fukushima - 14510
Anne Woolley, DBD Limited (United Kingdom)


Fukushima Water Treatment Update - 14257
James Braun, Avantech, Inc. (USA)


Absorbers for Removal of Sr-90 from Sea Water at Fukushima Site - 14184
Georg Bräehler, NUKEM Technologies GmbH (Germany); Alexander Zulauf, NUKEM Technologies GmbH (Germany); Valentin Avramenko, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation); Tatyana Sokolnitskaya, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation)


Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident – A Discussion from a Neutral Point of View - 14384
Ming Zhang, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST (Japan)


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