Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 075 - Geologic Disposal Phenomenology and R&D



Co Chair(s):   Nancy Buschman (USA)
Abraham Van Luik (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Roger Nelson (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Gérald Ouzounian (France)
Chuan-Fu Wu (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Abraham Van Luik (USA)




Paper Title


Long-Term Behaviour of Salt Concrete - a Material for Engineered Barriers in Final Repositories in Salt Formations - Development of Reactive Transport Models for Matrix Corrosion and Corrosion on Cracks - 14177
Horst-Jürgen Herbert, Gesellschaft für Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit (Germany)


The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans - 14486
Bruce Robinson, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Douglas Weaver, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Philip Stauffer, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Nancy Buschman, US DOE (USA); Roger Nelson, US DOE (USA)


Flume Testing of Surrogate Waste Materials Leading to a Recommendation for the Lower Limit for TAUFAIL - 14172
Courtney Herrick, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Michael Schuhen, Sandia National Laboratories (USA)


Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KBS3 Method - 14344
Markus Olin, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland); Kari Rasilainen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland); Leena Korkiala-Tanttu, Aalto University (Finland); Mia Tiljander, Geological Survey of Finland (Finland); Pirkko Hölttä, University of Helsinki (Finland); Ritva Serimaa, University of Helsinki (Finland); Markku Kataja, University of Jyväskylä (Finland); Mika Laitinen, Numerola Oy (Finland)


The Feasibility of Using the KBS-3 Technology for Disposal of US Department of Energy's Used Nuclear Fuel - 14438
Claes Lindberg, SKB International AB (Sweden); Hans Forsström, SKB International AB (Sweden); Peter Wikberg, SKB (Sweden); Hitesh Nigam, US DOE (USA)


Preliminary Design Concepts for a Deep Borehole Disposal Re-Packaging Facility - 14563
William Nutt, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Travis Mui, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign (USA)


EPA’s Confirmatory PA Analysis of DOE’s Proposed Run-Of-Mine Salt Panel Closure System for the WIPP - 14058
Kathleen Economy, US EPA (USA)


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