Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 073 - Panel: US DOE Mixed Waste: Addressing Proposals for Dealing with Problematic Waste Streams and Policy Changes Affecting Waste Disposition



Co Chair(s):   Dick Blauvelt (USA)
Christine Gelles (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Dick Blauvelt (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Christine Gelles (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Dick Blauvelt (USA)

The panel will address progress in the disposition of US DOE mixed hazardous/radioactive waste streams. In addition, the panel will examine changes in mixed waste requirements based upon revisions to US DOE Order 435.1, changes in US Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 61 (10CFR61) along with any new requirements associated with the site-wide disposal contract.  Accordingly, the panel will address selected institutional/regulatory topics including but not limited to: removal of US EPA conservatively assigned Hazardous Waste Numbers (HWNs); allowances for blending/consolidating wastes; and managing Greater Than US NRC Regulated Class C waste (GTCC) – like waste including activated/contaminated fuel debris and hardware not managed as HLW.

Panelists include: Mike Auble, AMWTP - Idaho Treatment Group; John Gilmour, Director Solid Waste and F Area Ops, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions; Ken Grumski, VP Federal Programs, Waste Control Specialists; Scott Wade, Asst. Manager EM, DOE NNSA, Nevada Site Office; Steve Singledecker, Los Alamos National Laboratory; and Scott Anderson, Waste Disposition Manager, UCOR, ETTP Oak Ridge



Panel Report



Prioritizing And Waste Management At Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project
Michael Auble, AMWTP - Idaho Treatment Group (USA)

Problematic Mixed Waste from SRS Legacy TRU Program
John Gilmour, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA)

Getting More Done With Less
Kenneth Grumski, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA)

Mixed Low-Level Radioactive Waste (MLLW) Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)
Scott Wade, NNSA NV Site Office (USA)

Transition in LANL Mixed Waste Management Process
Steven Singledecker, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)

The Disposition of Former "No Path to Disposal" Wastes
Scott Anderson, UCOR (USA)


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