Paper Title
1 |
Innovative Field Monitoring: Legacy Successes and the Future of Long-term Monitoring - 14571
Jeff Myers, URS Professional Solutions (USA); Dean Hoffman, URS Professional Solutions (USA); Michael Boerste, URS Professional Solutions (USA) |
2 |
US EPA Superfund Counts Per Minute (CPM) Electronic Calculator - 14336
Stuart Walker, US EPA (USA) |
3 |
Radiological Assessment for the Removal of Legacy BPA Power Lines/ Components that Cross the Hanford Site - 14039
William Millsap, Mission Support Alliance (USA); Daniel J Brush, Mission Support Alliance (USA) |
4 |
Data Integration with Geospatial Visualization Tools at the Hanford Site - 14369 Jon Peschong, US DOE (USA);
Marisa Renevitz, Longenecker & Associates (USA); Brett Simpson, Vista Engineering Technologies (USA) |
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High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site - 14362
Tim Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Dawn Wellman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); John Zachara, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Michael Truex, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Chris Strickland, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Jon Thomle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); R. Douglas Hildebrand, US DOE (USA); Dale Rucker, hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (USA); Roelof Versteeg, Subsurface Insights (USA) |
6 |
A Technology for Real-Time Monitoring of VOCs Emanating from the Hanford Tank Farms - 14360 James Conca, RJLee Group, Inc. (USA); Joe Sears, RJ Lee Group, Inc. (USA);
Larry Lockrem, L & L GeoChemical Services, LLC (USA) |
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Improved Three-Dimensional Resistivity Data Acquisition Capabilities at the Hanford Site - 14146 Danney Glaser, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Susan Eberlein, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Marc Levitt, hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (USA);
Nigel Crook, hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (USA); Michael McNeill, hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (USA); R. Douglas Hildebrand, US DOE (USA) |
8 |
MARSAME Applications at Humboldt Bay Power Plant - 14529
John Albers, Pacific Gas & Electric (USA); Marty Erickson, Bartlett Nuclear Inc. (USA); Bill Barley, RosBar Enterprises (USA) |