Paper Title
1 |
Site Transitions Moving From Cleanup to Long-Term Stewardship - 14276 Melissa Lutz, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA);
Jane Powell, US DOE (USA) |
2 |
FUSRAP Strategy: A Plan for the Next 10 Years - 14145
Karen Reed, US DOE (USA); Christopher Clayton, US DOE (USA); Cliff Carpenter, US DOE (USA); Ken Starr, US DOE (USA); Gwen Hooten, US DOE (USA) |
3 |
Managing Public Concerns about Risk in the Context of Historical Health Impacts - 14614
April Gil, US DOE (USA); Cliff Carpenter, US DOE (USA); Clay Carpenter, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Laura Cummins, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA) |
4 |
Abandoned Uranium Mines Report to Congress - 14132 John Elmer, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Michael Butherus, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA);
Ray Plieness, US DOE - Legacy Management (USA) |
5 |
The Evolution of LTS at Hanford - 14189
Rick Moren, Mission Support Alliance (USA); Keith Grindstaff, US DOE (USA) |
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Geographic Information System Tools For Management Of US DOE Sites - 14125 Leonard Turton, US DOE (USA);
John Montgomery, US DOE (USA); Cliff Carpenter, US DOE (USA); Stephen Pawel, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA) |
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Remote Environmental Monitoring: Applying Automated Sampling to Produce Real-Time Data for Long-Term Monitoring Cost Savings and Compliance Assurance - 14200
Jeff Myers, URS Professional Solutions (USA); Dean Hoffman, URS Professional Solutions (USA); Michael Boerste, URS Professional Solutions (USA) |
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The Future is Now: Experience with Remediating and Managing Groundwater Contamination at Uranium Mill Tailing Sites - 14587
David Shafer, US DOE (USA); Richard Bush, US DOE (USA); Bill Dam, US DOE (USA); Thomas Pauling, US DOE (USA) |