Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 040 - Performance of Disposal Systems, Facilities and Sites for LLW, ILW, MW, NORM and TENORM



Co Chair(s):   Bob Hiergesell (USA)
Linda Suttora (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Bob Hiergesell (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Roger Seitz (USA)
Linda Suttora (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Bob Hiergesell (USA)




Paper Title


US DOE-EM On-Site Disposal Cell Working Group - Fostering Communication on Performance Assessment Challenges - 14104
Linda Suttora, US DOE (USA); Roger Seitz, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Mark Phifer, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA)


Role and significance of scenarios in safety case for LLW disposal at Dessel, Belgium - 14092
Elise Vermarien, ONDRAF/NIRAS (Belgium); Wim Cool, ONDRAF/NIRAS (Belgium); Roger Wilmot, Galson Sciences Ltd. (United Kingdom)


Considerations Related to Human Intrusion in the Context of Disposal of Radioactive Waste - The IAEA HIDRA Project - 14101
Roger Seitz, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Yumiko Kumano, IAEA (Austria); Lucy Bailey, NDA - RWM (United Kingdom); Chris Markley, US NRC (USA); Eva Andersson, SKB (Sweden); Thomas Beuth, GRS mbH (Germany)


Post Closure Safety Assessment of the Proposed Low and Intermediate Level Waste Repository in Slovenia - 14444
Matthew Kozak, INTERA (USA); Rodolfo Avila, Facilia AB (Sweden); Sandi Viršek, ARAO (Slovenia)


Probabilistic Design of Landfill Final Cover System - 14311
Kevin Foye, CTI and Associates, Inc. (USA); Mohammad Kabalan, CTI and Associates Inc (USA); Ramya Rajan, CTI and Associates Inc (USA); Te-Yang Soong, CTI and Associates, Inc. (USA); Morgan Subbarayan, CTI and Associates, Inc. (USA)


Application of the New US EPA Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) to DOE Environmental Management Challenges - 14383
Kevin Brown, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA); David Kosson, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA); Andrew Garrabrants, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA); Hans van der Sloot, Hans van der Sloot Consultancy (Netherlands)


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