Paper Title
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Repository layout, adaptation to the site characteristics and input to the safety case - the Finnish example - 14545 Heini Laine, Saanio & Riekkola Oy (Finland); Nuria Marcos, Saanio & Riekkola Oy (Finland); Timo Saanio, Saanio & Riekkola Oy (Finland); Pirjo Hellä, Saanio & Riekkola Oy (Finland);
Annika Hagros, Saanio & Riekkola Oy (Finland); Ismo Aaltonen, Posiva Oy (Finland) |
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Going Underground for Testing and Demonstration: Challenge of Implementation of a Disposal System - 14546
Tiina Jalonen, Posiva Oy (Finland); Ismo Aaltonen, Posiva Oy (Finland); Timo Äikäs, Posiva Oy (Finland) |
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Nordic Full-Scale Demonstrations of Tunnel Plugging Technologies for Repository Conditions - 14282
Erika Holt, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland); Johanna Hansen, Posiva Oy (Finland); Petri Koho, Posiva Oy (Finland); Marjatta Palmu, Posiva Oy (Finland); Pär Grahm, SKB - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (Sweden) |
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Next Target Operating License: Challenges in Building Facilities for Spent Fuel Disposal - 14544
Erkki Palonen, Posiva Oy (Finland); Timo Äikäs, Posiva Oy (Finland) |
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Resolved and Remaining Issues for KBS-3 – SKB’s Research, Development and Demonstration Programme 2013 - 14481
Olle Olsson, SKB (Sweden); Karin Pers, SKB International AB (Sweden) |
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Challenges in Developing the Basic Design of the KBS-3 System into a Qualified and Industrially Viable Operation - 14465
Johan Andersson, Swedish Nuclear Fuel Management Co (SKB) (Sweden); Tiina Jalonen, Posiva Oy (Finland) |
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The International Peer Review under Aegis of the OECD/NEA, of SKB’s Post-closure Safety Case for a Spent Fuel Repository in Sweden - 14641
Claudio Pescatore, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (France) |
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Äspö International - Role of the Äspö HRL as an International URL - 14501
Ann McCall, (Sweden); Torsten Eng, SKB International AB (Sweden) |