Paper Title
1 |
Experimental Comparison between High Purity Germanium and Scintillator Detectors for Determining Burnup, Cooling Time and Decay Heat of Used Nuclear Fuel - 14488
Peter Jansson, Uppsala University (Sweden); Sophie Grape, Uppsala University (Sweden); Henrik Liljenfeldt, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB AB) (Sweden); Stephen J. Tobin, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) |
2 |
Solubility Validation from Boildown Data for Hanford Tank Liquids - 14445
Stephen Agnew, Columbia Energy & Environmental (USA); Robert Wilson, Columbia Energy & Environmental (USA); Gene Ramsey, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA) |
3 |
Binary Pitzer Model Parameters for Predicting the Solubility of Key Electrolytes in Hanford Waste - 14215 Jacob Reynolds, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Robert Carter, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA);
Kayla Pierson, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA) |
4 |
Characterization of Uranium Residue from Solid Mo-99 Manufacturing Waste and Development of a Recovery Process using Carbonate Solution - 14399
Lize Stassen, Necsa (South Africa); Janine Suthiram, Necsa (South Africa); James Topkin, Necsa (South Africa) |
5 |
Transition of Oil and Gas Dynamic Simulation to Nuclear Applications Delivers Big Rewards - 14466
David Cuming, DBD Limited (United Kingdom) |